The Catalan numbers are a sequence of natural numbers that occur in various counting problems, often involving recursively defined objects. For example: 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012, 742900, 2674440, 9694845, 35357670, 129644790, 477638700, 1767263190, 6564120420, 24466267020, 91482563640, 343059613650, 1289904147324, 4861946401452, 18367353072152, 69533550916004, 263747951750360, 1002242216651368, 3814986502092304, ... (Sequence A000108 in the OEIS)
Calculate Catalan Numbers
100, 110, 120
We use this key in the next step to generate a public address: