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Ethereum Tutorial | Cancel/Replace Stuck Ethereum Transaction using MetaMask | Pending Transaction

~~~~~ If you have a pending transaction stuck on ethereum network, watch this video & follow the steps to replace your transaction & get on with your trading or farming! Make sure you hit that subscribe button if this guide helped at all & share to your favorite social media platform! With the huge growth in popularity in the Ethereum Network, comes higher transaction fees. With these high transaction fees on Ethereum, comes more pending transactions & transactions on ethereum getting stuck. If you own your Ethereum Address, meaning own your Private Key or JSON Keystore file, then you CAN cancel your transaction! Wallets such as Metamask Chrome Extension web3 wallet or the Metamask clone named Nifty Wallet, allow us to create a custom nonce with our transaction on EVM based networks. Other wallets like MyEtherWallet or MyCrypto for web & Metamask for Mobile or Trust Wallet app, also have the change the nonce feature implemented within the app & we will eventually go over how to do this with each wallet, but for now, follow this guide & use the respective data & info where needed & you should be canceling transactions before you know it! To cancel a transaction on Ethereum network is actually replacing the existing transaction with a new one. As long as the nonce is the same as the pending one & the new tx is confirmed first, this will help with your current pending transaction on ethereum network. ****** HASHGUIDE RESOURCES ****** Also, check out my new website & other social media accounts! Anything to get the word out about Crypto & Blockchain tech! Use all available channels possible to spread the knowledge. ~~~~~